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Concerts with works by
Detlev Glanert


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Concerts in season 2024/25 or later where works by Detlev Glanert is performed

April 25, 2025
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Midori | Bundesjugendorchester | Patrick Lange

Fri, Apr 25, 2025, 20:00
Midori (Violin), Bundesjugendorchester (Ensemble), Patrick Lange (Conductor)
Als Deutschlands jüngstes Spitzenorchester versprüht das Bundesjugendorchester seine Energie regelmäßig in der Kölner Philharmonie. Mit Leidenschaft präsentieren die jungen Talente Musik der Gegenwart und nehmen die japanische Geigerin Midori in ihre Mitte.Detlev Glanerts Violinkonzert Nr. 2 wurde inspiriert von dem vielleicht berühmtesten Liebesbrief der Geschichte – der nie abgeschickt wurde und dessen Adressatin der Nachwelt ein Rätsel blieb: Beethovens legendärer Brief an die »unsterbliche Geliebte«. Die Sologeige, gespielt von Widmungsträgerin Midori, steht hier für das Individuum, das dem Schicksal begegnet. Vor allem aber begegnet Midori den unternehmungslustigen Instrumentalisten des Bundesjugendorchesters, die für diese Musik brennen und von Patrick Lange mit Elan dirigiert werden.
April 30, 2025
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School concert

Wed, Apr 30, 2025, 10:00
Philharmonie Berlin, Main Auditorium (Berlin)
National Youth Orchestra of Germany (Orchestra), Patrick Lange (Conductor), Midori (Violin)
The presenters are also members of the orchestra and, at 14 to 19 years old, are just as old as their listeners in the audience. As the sponsoring orchestra of the Berliner Philharmoniker, the National Youth Orchestra will play for grades 5 to 13 in the Main Auditorium of the Philharmonie Berlin on 30 April 2025 and provide information about the orchestra and its repertoire: Where do most of the members come from? What do conductors have to say? Which parts are particularly challenging?
Artistic depiction of the event

German National Youth Orchestra, Patrick Lange and Midori

Wed, Apr 30, 2025, 20:00
Philharmonie Berlin, Main Auditorium (Berlin)
National Youth Orchestra of Germany (Orchestra), Patrick Lange (Conductor), Midori (Violin)
Beethoven's legendary letter to the “Immortal Beloved” inspired Detlev Glanert to write his Second Violin Concerto. Glanert wrote a work full of longing and passion for the violinist Midori; he has admired her since her days as an internactionally-acclaimed child prodigy. Midori is also the soloist in this performance with the National Youth Orchestra under the direction of Patrick Lange. The orchestra, of which the Berliner Philharmoniker is a patron, will also play Johannes Brahms' First Piano Quartet in Arnold Schoenberg's colourful orchestration.